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What Are the Perks of Growing Older?

2023-11-22 13:43:16

“What do you like about growing older?” Crickets.

“No really, let’s go around and share our favorite things about aging now that we are in the second half of life.” The group set down their books and considered.

The first started slowly, “Oh, I have one. I now know when to keep my mouth shut.” This friend had just gracefully served as mother-of-the-bride. Everyone chimed in, “Ooooh good one.”

Next, someone added, “Not caring as much what other people think.” Again, heads nodded as we mused how freeing and how wonderful it is to escape the grip of others’ judgment.

Next, my best friend offered her favorite thing about aging, “Finally recognizing our gifts.” She said. Later in life, she discovered a superpower—the ability to get silent, brooding, crossed-armed teens to open up. She became a college counselor in her 50’s and the teens she works with are transformed by sharing their stories and seeing, for the first time, what they have to offer.

Next, our younger friend added, “What I like about growing older is that I now hang out with people of all ages.” It was a great observation, and how cool it is to proactively seek out people of all ages? My response was next, and I kept it short “embracing weirdness.” I love that in my second 50 years I don’t have to filter myself, I can be weird without worrying about it.

Next, our dear friend offered, “As I get older, I feel more thankful, more accepting, and more loving—and that feels really good.” Echoes of “me too” could be heard all around. The final response was from a friend who has always been the life of the party, “what I notice is that as we grow older, friendships go from quantity to quality.” Quality indeed. What do you like about growing older?


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