I want to replace society’s fear of aging with the confidence that we as individuals possess the tools to handle whatever comes our way. In the media, we’re bombarded with messages on “how not to age.” The right question is, “How can we age brilliantly?” I spent years asking myself this. I studied aging, taught Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, learned from colleagues and worked with older adults, some of whom endured overwhelming suffering that I wish upon no one. In this next chapter of my life, I’m focusing my energy on writing a book that delivers a practical, science-driven approach to living a great life all the way to the end and making the older years of our lives just as beautiful as the rest.
How to Age Brilliantly
Aging brilliantly is an inside job that requires intention, knowledge and effort. Combining research with lived experiences of those who have preceded me, the six values that I hold close to my heart are to:
Grow Intentionally
Embrace Connection
Be Your Champion
Help Others
Move Forward
Celebrate Individuality
Research finds that harnessing positive age beliefs has helped people maintain better physical and functional health. Are you up for the challenge?

My Mission
“Getting older” is inevitable, “growing older” is not. As a Gerontologist and Professor of Geriatric Medicine for 30 years, I’ve had a front-row seat to the aging journeys of thousands of people–patients stooped and miserable in their 60s, others radiant in their 90s. At every stage of life, emotional health matters–it’s finding that reason to get out of bed, whether it’s a friend to laugh with or a way to serve. With knowledge, intention, and effort, older can be your call to greatness. It is my joy and lifelong mission as America’s Gerontologist to share how growing older can be an era of expansion, fortifying you for the journey. By committing to lifelong growth, we can make older better, together and create a great life physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Let’s cultivate more vitality, more love, and a more fulfilling life, all the way to the end.